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ShaderLightOption Properties

The ShaderLightOption type exposes the following members.

Public propertycAmbient 음영 색상
Public propertycDiffuse 기본 빛 색상
Public propertycSpecular 반사된 색
Public propertyfShininess 빛이 반사되는 강도. (광원 세기)
Public propertyfSpecularGamma 반사되는 되는 부분이 SpecularColor 로 나타나는 비율
Public propertyvLightDirX Light Direction X
Public propertyvLightDirY Light Direction Y
Public propertyvLightDirZ Light Direction Z
Public propertyvLightPosX Light Position X
Public propertyvLightPosY Light Position Y
Public propertyvLightPosZ Light Position Z
See Also