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SectionManager Properties

The SectionManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClipping Clipping Mode
Public propertyEnableAsyncSectionGeomery 단면선 및 단면채움 비동기 계산 활성화
Public propertyEnableSectionPlaneRotationXY 단면(Plane) XY 회전 활성화/비활성화
Public propertyEnableSectionPlaneRotationYZ 단면(Plane) YZ 회전 활성화/비활성화
Public propertyEnableSectionPlaneRotationZX 단면(Plane) ZX 회전 활성화/비활성화
Public propertyMoveSectionByFrameGrid 단면 좌표간격으로 이동
Public propertySectionFillPlaneColor 단면 채움 단일색
Public propertySectionLineColor 단면선 색상
Public propertySections Section List
Public propertySelectedItem 현재 선택된 Section 반환
Public propertyShowSectionFill 단면채움 보기
Public propertyShowSectionFillPlaneColor 단면 채움 단일색 표시
Public propertyShowSectionLine 단면선 보기
Public propertyShowSectionLineColor 단일색 표시
Public propertyShowSectionPlane 단면 보기
See Also