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ShxWdlJLData Class

Shx Weld JL Data Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: VIZCore3D.NET.Importer
Assembly: VIZCore3D.NET (in VIZCore3D.NET.dll) Version: (
public class ShxWdlJLData

The ShxWdlJLData type exposes the following members.

Public methodShxWdlJLData Construction
Public propertyActCode ACT CODE
Public propertyAssembly 조립 Ass'y
Public propertyCode 개선 코드
Public propertyContactPart 접촉부재 명
Public propertyContactPartCenter 접촉부재 중심점
Public propertyContactParts 소유부재에 의하여 병합된 용접장의 경우, 201번에 표기한 접촉 부재 제외한 접촉부재
Public propertyContactPartShape 접촉부재 형상 유형
Public propertyContactPartWeight WeldingKind.BUTT (WeldingType) : 용접선에 해당하는 소유부재 or 접촉부재 두께 WeldingKind.FILLET (WeldingType) : 각장
Public propertyDirection 방향
Public propertyJoinBlock 인접 블록
Public propertyJointType JOINT 타입
Public propertyPart 소유부재 명
Public propertyPartCenter 소유부재 중심점
Public propertyPartShape 소유부재 형상 유형
Public propertyPR PR
Public propertySelection 용접선 형상 선택 여부
Public propertySign 개선 기호
Public propertySLOT SLOT 용접선의 경우 LT
Public propertyStage STAGE
Public propertyVisible 용접선 형상 보이기 여부
Public propertyWeldingPosture 용접 자세
Public propertyWeldingType 용접 타입
Public propertyWeldingTypeDetail 구분 표기 - BUTT:'Butt', FILLET:'Fillet', NWR:'NWR Fillet'
Public propertyWeldLine 용접선
Public propertyWeldLineGroup 용접선 묶음 ID
Public propertyWeldLineID 용접선 고유 ID
Public propertyWeldLineLength 용접선 길이
Public propertyWeldLineShape 용접선 형상 타입
Public propertyWeldLineType 용접선 TYPE
See Also