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ShapeDrawingManager Class

[MANAGER] Shape Drawing Manager
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: VIZCore3D.NET.Manager
Assembly: VIZCore3D.NET (in VIZCore3D.NET.dll) Version: (
public class ShapeDrawingManager : VIZCoreBase

The ShapeDrawingManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDepthTest 깊이버퍼 사용/미사용
Public propertyVertexColor VertexColor 관리
Public methodCode exampleAddArrow(ListVertex3DItemCollection, Int32, Color, Color, Single, Single, Boolean) 화살표 추가
Public methodAddArrow(ListVertex3DItemCollection, Int32, Single, Single, Color, Color, Single, Single, Boolean) 화살표 추가
Public methodAddBox Box 추가
Public methodAddCube 추가
Public methodAddCylinder Cylinder 추가
Public methodCode exampleAddDashLine(ListVertex3DItemCollection, Int32, Color, Single, Boolean, Single) 점선 추가
Public methodAddDashLine(ListVertex3DItemCollection, Int32, Single, Single, Color, Single, Boolean, Single) 점선 추가
Public methodCode exampleAddLine(ListVertex3DItemCollection, Int32, Color, Single, Boolean) 실선 추가
Public methodAddLine(ListVertex3DItemCollection, Int32, Single, Single, Color, Single, Boolean) 실선 추가
Public methodAddPlane(Vertex3D, Vertex3D, Single, Int32, Color, Boolean) 평면 추가
Public methodAddPlane(Vertex3D, Vertex3D, Vector3D, Single, Int32, Color, Boolean) 평면 추가
Public methodCode exampleAddSea 바다 추가
Public methodAddSphere 구 추가
Public methodAddVertex(ListVertex3D, Single, Single) Vertex 추가
Public methodAddVertex(ListVertex3D, Int32, Color, Single, Single, Boolean) Vertex 추가
Public methodClear 전체 초기화
Public methodDelete(Int32) ID로 해당 항목 삭제
Public methodDelete(ListInt32) ID로 해당 항목 삭제
Public methodDeleteGroup(Int32) GROUP ID로 해당 항목 삭제
Public methodDeleteGroup(ListInt32) GROUP ID로 해당 항목 삭제
Public methodCode exampleDrawCapsule(Point, Point, Int32, Int32, Int32, Color, Single, Boolean) Draw Capsule (Only Z+)
Public methodCode exampleDrawCapsule(Point, Point, Point, Point, Int32, Int32, Int32, Color, Single, Boolean) Draw Capsule (Only Z+)
Public methodCode exampleDrawCircle Draw Circle (Only Z+)
Public methodCode exampleDrawRectangle Draw Rectangle (Only Z+)
Public methodCode exampleSetMaterial(Int32, Int32) ID에 해당하는 항목에 Material 설정
Public methodSetMaterial(Int32, ResourceMaterials) ID에 해당하는 항목에 Material 설정
Public methodSetMaterial(ListInt32, Int32) ID에 해당하는 항목에 Material 설정
Public methodSetMaterial(ListInt32, ResourceMaterials) ID에 해당하는 항목에 Material 설정
Public methodSetMaterialGroup(Int32, Int32) GROUP ID에 해당하는 항목에 Material 설정
Public methodSetMaterialGroup(Int32, ResourceMaterials) GROUP ID에 해당하는 항목에 Material 설정
Public methodSetMaterialGroup(ListInt32, Int32) GROUP ID에 해당하는 항목에 Material 설정
Public methodSetMaterialGroup(ListInt32, ResourceMaterials) GROUP ID에 해당하는 항목에 Material 설정
Public methodShow(Boolean) 전체 항목 보이기/숨기기 상태 변경
Public methodShow(Int32, Boolean) ID에 해당하는 항목의 보이기/숨기기 상태 변경
Public methodShow(ListInt32, Boolean) ID에 해당하는 항목의 보이기/숨기기 상태 변경
Public methodShowGroup(Int32, Boolean) GROUP ID에 해당하는 항목의 보이기/숨기기 상태 변경
Public methodShowGroup(ListInt32, Boolean) GROUP ID에 해당하는 항목의 보이기/숨기기 상태 변경
See Also