SOFTHILLS Co., Ltd. conduct file conversion sevice for our clients.
We can convert your file in .VIZ format and .VIZM format.
Please check below the table about file conversion sevice.

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Convertible File Format List

Request File Conversion

Before Convert After Convert
3D CATIA V4(.model, .exp, .session) .VIZ, .VIZM
CATIA V5, V6(.CATPart, .CATProduct, .CGR)
Solidworks(.sldplt, .sldasm)
Solid Edge(.par, .asm, .psm)
Parasolid(.x_t, .xmt_txt, .x_b, .xmt_bin)
Pro/E, Creo(.prt, .prt*, .asm, .asm*)
Inventor(.ipt, .iam)
ACIS(.sat, .sab, .asat, .asab)
STEP(.stp, .step)
IGES(.igs, .iges)